Digitalisation strategies for public utility companies

The key objective of a digitalisation strategy is to record the specific opportunities and risks associated with digitalisation and to create a plan for how these opportunities and risks should be tackled. To this end, bofest consult developed a 4-stage concept for how public utility companies of different sizes can integrate the topic of digitalisation into their corporate strategy, in order to successfully identify and utilise the opportunities associated with digitalisation in the future. The heart of the concept is a comprehensive analysis of the status quo. In this digitalisation check, the current situation is analysed and evaluated based on 6 different fields of action (business process, big data & analytics, IT & security, customer focus, innovations & business models and culture and organisation). Building on this, the digitalisation objectives are then derived with consideration of the company and IT strategy. In the third step, concrete measures and projects are derived and prioritised to create a digital roadmap. Finally, appropriate KPIs and success factors are defined based on the digitalisation strategy, in order to ensure that the progress of the digital transformation can also be measured at any time. Digitalisation in the energy sector represents an enormous opportunity for all market actors and should always be viewed as such. Every public utility company and energy supply company should embrace this topic in their business operations and ensure that they always have oversight of the individual degree of implementation.


Özge Pakel
Leitung Customer Service